October 10, 2013

Golden Ruins

At one time, these brick-lined niches, part of the ruins of the Great Stone Church at the Mission of San Juan Capistrano, displayed statues of various saints. Modeled after Byzantine cathedrals, the mission suffered repeated setbacks from natural disasters, including a 7.0 earthquake in 1812 which killed 42 people who were buried under rubble when the church doors were pinned shut.

October 7, 2013

Typing vs. Writing

This image started with a photo I took of an old Royal typewriter keyboard. I then added a mask with scratches and a writing texture, focusing on the brown tones for an autumn palette.

October 1, 2013

Birds and Vines

This image is based on a photo I took recently at Whitful Nursery. In addition to a plant and flower nursery, they create some beautiful seasonal displays using antiques and shabby chic elements. I've added a page from an illuminated manuscript as texture.